Monday, June 6, 2011

Last Newsletter - boo hoo!

I will be sad come this Thursday, however I know that the students are ready for sixth grade. I am so very proud of their hard work this year. Let me share with you a few reasons why…

Josephina –You have quietly yet diligently worked hard in every subject this year, not matter how challenging the activity. I am so proud of your perseverance and positive attitude!
Caleb – Math was your challenge and you met it head on! You never gave up and continued to try all the way until the end! You beat that challenge and you should be very, very proud of your hard work!
Dean – You have great skills in organizing and being prepared for your tests. This is a great skill that will pay off in every grade through high school and beyond! Well done!
Melissa - You learned to ask questions, to trust your work and to trust your accomplishments! These paid off for you in a big way and you ended the year with a bang!
Raquel – You are quiet yet you work hard! You always have your homework completed and your work done on time! Congratulations on all your accomplishments and you know you are our states and capitals champ!
Raiden - What a year you have had! You returned from Spain without missing a beat, and continued to bring such lively conversation to our class along with support to offer your classmates! Thank you!
Matthew – I am so happy you were part of FMS this year! You have made tremendous growth…You work hard, you ask questions when needed, you try every day, and all of this with a positive attitude!
Brianna – You should be proud of your accomplishments this year. You have persevered through many challenges and always with a positive attitude and a smile. Your classmates have benefitted from your kind heart of friendship and giving!
Bobby – You have truly shown me growth this year in your effort with your scholastic journey. We began the year a little rocky, but have ended upon a lake of smoooooth sailing. Keep working hard, you can do it!
Patrick – I know it wasn’t always easy, but you kept at it, and then started working even harder to achieve! You not only grew in academics, but you also grew in becoming a better student and friend!
Frank – Math is your gig! You can just whiz through math and understand the concepts more than you realize! You are very lucky to have such academic skills in so many subjects! Keep working hard because you will succeed and make it!
James – You have the gift not only for the ability to learn easily, but also of charisma! You have a great way about you to make positive influences on others. Continue to work hard and you will find your way in school!
Noah - You have grown leaps and bounds this year. Your academics are solid and your maturity is high on the meter! You have been a positive influence in our class this year! Keep making those good decisions!
Derin – Let’s face it…Math facts were not your friend this year. Then you worked, and practiced, and worked some more…and what happened? You got your math facts! I’m very proud of your achievement!
Teagyn – Read, read, read! When I think of you, I think of all the great titles you read this year! You have the gift of enjoying your stories, and all types of genres! You have brought energy, laughter, and the love for reading to our class this year!
Miranda – When you worried about a grade or a paper, you would always be sure to come to me and talk about it. This is a great opportunity and smart. Of course, you really didn’t need to worry, but it is a very good idea to be on top of your grades and aware of your assignments! Good job!
Daygan – You have blown me away with your progress this year. We met at the beginning of the year to make a plan of action, and you not kept up your end of the bargain, but went above and beyond! Super!
Maesyn – Staying true to your personality, all I have to say is…You rocked it Girlfriend! Your efforts alone amazed me, then your success from your efforts, and finally your artistic ability! Hey, I might need a costume next year, you selling?
Levi – You have had a year of personal challenges that have made it a hard year. However, as a result I see growth and a new sense of maturity in the classroom. Math is where it is at for you! Well, not to mention your rockin’ dancing moves!!!
Racquel – I think you already know this; however I am so proud of the choices you have made this year. You have made a gigantic change and it shows! Keep working to the best of your ability, try hard, and make those great choices!
Taylor – You possess a true love for learning! I hope someday that you do become a teacher to pass this love on to your students! There have been a few academic pressures that you have placed upon yourself, and you met them all head on! Congratulations!
Seth – Wow! You have made us all so impressed with your ability to quickly memorize your vocabulary words and states and capitals! I think we should call you the “Geography Guy!”
However, I don’t think there is another 5th grade class that now loves Mario as much as we do!
Ethan – What a great sense of loyalty you have and love for your family. You have persevered through some strong academics this year and I can see how ready you are for 6th grade! Fantastic!
Jacklyn – Haaaarrrrdddd work with a smile and a giggle…that is you! Your heart must be double normal size because you have so much care to share with others. You have worked very hard, especially in math this year!
Mikyala – Quietly works in class, but always with a big smile. You made growth in all of your subjects, especially that challenging math! Stay organized next year and keep that beautiful smile!
Zach – Science, unusual facts, interesting stories …You bring it all to our class discussions. You have a wealth of information to share! We were all so fortunate to have you in our class this year with your knowledge and love for learning!
Kennedy – There is much to be proud of, however I am so pleased with your start to organizing your different subjects and desk area. This may seem small to you, however you will see the pay off in the future! Organization is the key and you are tuning the lock!

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